Oct 8, 2012

Book review: Test Driven Development for Embedded C

I wrote Japanese article to introduce “Test Driven Development for Embedded C” for embedded software developers in Japan last month. This entry is English version of it.


As you can see with the title, this is the book about Test Driven Development for embedded software with C language. The author, James Grenning, is training, coaching and consulting agile software development or TDD over the world. He is also the inventor of agile estimation technique “planning poker” and one of the authors of agile manifesto.

Must read book for embedded software developer

Recently Japanese TDD passionates like @t_wada are holding TDD boot camp in major cities of Japan. This is an event for TDD beginners to have an exercise of TDD. People get together at one place, make pair for exercise and do TDD with specific problems.

Thanks to them, we can have more chance to exercise TDD and people are becoming to discuss practical topic about TDD on their blog or social media. TDD is not majority in the industry yet but I am feeling TDD is becoming common technique for us.

On the other hand, most of embedded software are left out of boom of TDD boot camp. They think that they have nothing is to do with TDD because every article on book or blog is written about enterprise or web system. They are things on other planets.

This is a book for you, embedded software developers :) This book deals with typical example of embedded software and C/C++ testing framework and explain how to do TDD with very tiny step of carefully. It also can be good textbook for module design of C code.

Why embedded software developer need TDD?

Embedded software developer might think why they need TDD. The author answer the question in the chapter 5 “Embedded TDD Strategy” of the book. He explain the we can solve “the target hardware bottleneck” problem, which is common for embedded software development.

The target hardware bottleneck is a problem that target hardware could be a bottleneck disturbs software testing. Generically, target hardware is different from host computer that is used to develop software. And we can have these situation:
  • The problems leads to delay or increasing of working hour for software testing
    • Target hardware are not ready till the end of project
    • Target hardware is expensive and we can’t prepare enough number of target hardware 
    • It takes long time to build and upload software to target hardware 
  • The problems leads to difficulties to find bugs
    • It is difficult to identify where bugs are because the target hardware also have bugs in the beginning
    • Compiler for target hardware is different from one for host computer. Then we find unintentional behavior of software on the target hardware
To solve the target hardware bottleneck problem, the author recommend these approaches:
  • Ensure quality of software by TDD on host computer before testing on the target hardware
  • Do same tests on both of host computer and target hardware to find bug that are happend because of different between them.

And the author recommends TDD cycle for embedded software development as follows:

The book focuses on the stage 1 on the cycle. It doesn’t explain stage 2 to 5 in detail but you can find more information about step 5 on the author’s paper (PDF) “Scenario Testing with Executable Use Cases”.

I also write this cycle on my blog entry.

How is the book organized

The book consisted of three part.

In the first part “Test Driven Development”, the author introduces the process of TDD when we develop LED device driver. He also introduces why embedded software developer need TDD, test cycle including TDD and testing framework for C, Unity and CppUTest.

The second part is about technique to replace dependant module to test with C. It is very difficult to replace module with C, the only ways we can do are link substitution, preprocessor substitution and function pointer substitution. It also explains C++ mocking library “CppUMock” to test complex interaction with dependent module.

In the third part “Design and Continuous Improvement”, knowledge and technique to improve design continuously such as SOLID principle, test for legacy code and test patterns are introduced. If you are not familiar with object oriented design and programming, it is very difficult to understand. You need to read the books about object oriented design and programming first.

Please refer to the full table of contents on the official site.

How to read the book

For those who wants to know characteristics of TDD for embedded software

When I introduce the book to my coworker and he asked me “What is the difference between TDD for embedded and the others?” I think that basic points are same. For example, there is no difference between dependency to module and dependency to hardware.

I think that the most biggest difference is language constraint. Comparing to object oriented language, you need more technique to make test doubles, which is module to replace dependent module. In order to understand the technique, please refer to the chapter 7 “Introducing Test Doubles”, the chapter 8 “Spying on the Production Code” and the chapter 9 “Runtime-Bound Test Doubles”.

On the other hand, there is special bonus for embedded software developer. As I wrote before, we can solve the hardware bottleneck problem. Please refer to “Benefit for Embedded” at the chapter 1 and the chapter 5 “Embedded TDD Strategy”.

For those who wants to try TDD with example

To put TDD in practice, you need not only knowledge but technique. You must acquire technique by doing exercise. You can read the process to test and refactor your code for example of LED device driver in the chapter 3 “Starting a C Module” and the chapter 4 “Testing Your Way to Done”.  Try them.

Example in the chapter 3 and 4 is quite simple. You need test doubles in actual development. You can read about test doubles in the chapter 7 ”Introducing Test Doubles”, the chapter 8 ”Spying on the Production Code” and the chapter 9 “Runtime-Bound Test Doubles”.

For those who wants to know better C module design

TDD covers not only design and implement activity but also continuous improvement to better design by refactoring. You need to know what is better design to improve design of your software.

The chapter 11 “SOLID, Flexible and Testable Designs” introduces better design principles and implementation with C. You can understand how to design low-coupling module design with C.

There is also explanation to eliminate piles of if / switch-case statements by implementing polymorphism in the object oriented design concept with C. The code is tricky and it is very difficult to understand if you don’t understand object oriented design. In the case, you need to read object oriented software design book such as “Agile Software Development” first.

How Japanese readers say about the book

In conclusion, I introduce comments from the members of “Test Driven Development for Embedded C” studying group.

  • It is very helpful to understand how TDD master think and do because every tiny step and design decisions are written at the beginning of the book.  
  • I read the book and solve some exercises, then I could understand basic rhythm of TDD. 
  • I was wondering how to apply object oriented design to C code before I read this book. Thanks to the book, I understood how to do it.
  • I think that it is very difficult to understand the book at first if the readers understand object oriented design and test. Example of C code is not enough for beginners.
  • This book is very good as index of modern software testing. It includes TDD, test for legacy code, SOLID principle and refactoring, xUnit Test Patterns. Every embedded software developer should read this!


  1. Hello Yohei Onishi,

    Thank you for receiving my book and helping to bing it to Japan's embedded developers. Since the beginning of 2012 I have added new articles that can help some of the chalenges of embedded legacy code. I hope you and your other readers find them helpful. See my blog at www.renaissancesoftware.net/blog

  2. Thank you. Some people wrote comments for this entry on reddit. http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/114q5b/book_review_test_driven_development_for_embedded_c/

    They are discussing about adding tests to legacy code. I will write about it.

  3. The author’s past experience from teaching TDD to embedded engineers seems to come through in the “Yeah but..” chapter. Here he gives answers to the different objections that are often raised to using the TDD approach for embedded software. I liked this because focusing on techniques without examining the underlying motivations can make for disastrous teaching experience.click here
